Pink & White Bliss
Pink & White Bliss
This exquisite bouquet features a delicate combination of pink spray roses and white peonies, creating a harmonious blend of soft, romantic hues. The pink spray roses bring a subtle blush of pink with their petite, clustered blooms, while the white peonies add an elegant, creamy touch with their lush, full petals. The bouquet is finished with a limonium that adds a rustic, natural charm, and is wrapped in signature wrapping to give it a sophisticated, premium look. Perfect for a special occasion or as a heartfelt gift, this arrangement is as enchanting as it is timeless.
Regular price
$195.00 CAD
Regular price
Sale price
$195.00 CAD
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Care Tips
Care Tips
- Change the water entirely every 2-3 days
- Trim at least a half inch of stem off your flowers before you put them in a vase
- Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light
- Use "flower food" for most flowers
- Use sharp scissors when cutting